Our Work

An estimate of 9.7 million people was expected to be living below the poverty line in Thailand by 2020. Despite increasing student attendance numbers, the standard of education in Thailand is suffering. So keen to learn, Thai classrooms overflow with up to 55 students to a class. UNESCO found in its 2017-18 Global Education Monitoring Report, access to a basic standard of education is limited in Thailand.

With your help, we can build schools that focus on the standard of education for children in poverty, implement teacher training programs within Government schools and improve conditions children are learning and living in.


Students educated from impoverished backgrounds


Families supplied with food since the COVID-19 pandemic began


School being built

How We Work

We bring together dedicated and experienced teachers, educational advisors and community leaders. We purchase international curriculums and implement teaching techniques that go beyond the outdated rote learning styles of developing countries.

Help Us Fill This Map

We plan to fill this map with schools providing equal and inclusive education, comparable to schools in the western world, for children living below the poverty line.

Stories From The Ground

The children and communities we serve are always special and often have incredible stories of survival. The children we educate and support come from generations of poverty and will be the first in their families to break the cycle. We can all learn from their stories.

Preparing For Impact

For 6 years, through trial and error, using cross-curricular implementation, we have taught impoverished children at an international level and maintained their learning standards. Children that spoke no English, came to school hungry, tired and went home to leaking shacks and challenging circumstances.

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