Why Education?

“One-third of 15-year-old Thai students are “functionally illiterate” or they read so poorly that they struggle to understand the meaning of what they have just read.”– The World Bank

Providing an Education That Will Have Impact

We believe children in vulnerable communities deserve a higher standard of education to release them from the grip of poverty.

Some Key Factors Stopping Impoverished Children From Learning

Poverty, location and ethnic background play a huge role in the fate of a child’s education in developing countries like Thailand. 


A lack of access to basic medical care means ordinary illness can be prolonged and cause longterm physical damage. Inadequate housing exposes children to the elements making them vulnerable to illness. Nutrition and a stable diet is problematic for parents who cannot provide sufficient meals for children trying to learn.

Money & Time

Rural areas are often isolated with little transportation for children to attend school. Long walks, early starts and a high level of dedication is required by families for school drop-off and pickup. Hard working parents earning little money must leave children to be independent at home in the evenings with little to no supervision for homework.

Outdated Teaching Methods & Styles

Rote learning is still relied on in many developing countries like Thailand. This torturous memorisation process leaves little room for students to seek information for themselves and learn to apply it. A lack of focus on comprehension often results in students reading and writing with a limited ability to comprehend or analyse information.

Traditional Gender Roles

Young girls in rural villages will often be expected to perform the duties of a parent for the rest of the family. Washing, cooking, raising younger siblings while her parents are at work. These girls are at a disadvantage, with more pressure and responsibility outside of school hours.

How Can We Fix These Problems?

We can build schools using quality curriculums in remote areas that are designed to support impoverished children. We can work with existing schools offering teacher training programs, implementing updated curriculums and teaching techniques. We can support school communities creating sustainable solutions to problems created by poverty.

Essentially, we must provide some relief to children while they are learning. We need to allow these children the breathing space they need to focus on being a student and not on being poor.

Here are three ways you can help.

The worst thing you can do is nothing.

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